Month: May 23, 2008

The human body is frightening!

That was the reaction, by some, to this:

Seriously, are we that backwards in society that we need to be terrified by skin? Kids can watch movies and play video games with some pretty extreme violence and no one will bat an eyelash but if you show them a partially clothed human body they might be scarred for life. Maybe, just maybe, it’s possible that they’ll grow up with an interest in the human body and a respect for it because they’ve been made familiar with it from a young age instead? I know an awful lot of adults who are not very comfortable with they’re bodies or with nudity in general. Maybe this wouldn’t be the case if we made it seem more acceptable to show your body from a young age.

I know, you can say that we have sex shoved into our faces every other second of the day but that doesn’t seem the same. For one, it’s usually in the form of innuendo. Also, it’s usually in the form of advertisements, not in people all around us. Even then, people made a big stink about the Starbucks logo recently because it was changed to something along the lines of what they had in the ’70s with a shirtless mermaid. Maybe that’s the key. We need to start exposing bodies that aren’t so perfect on a regular basis. I think that would go a long way to help solve our strange love-hate relationship with sexuality. I would love to hear, from someone who has studied them a bit, how kids raised by nudists turn out as far as sexuality goes.

Please please please…

… vote in November. Seriously. You can either have this:

Or you can have this:

Now, granted, this is comparing Obama’s best to some of McCain’s worst but Obama’s worst is manufactured issues taken out of context and blown so far out of proportion that you could see it from space. For instance, the religious (no pun intended) devotion to the Reverend Wright issue. Also, Obama’s comments about why people are bitter about Washington’s ability to help them financially. Apparently this somehow means that he’s en elitist who doesn’t understand religion or guns or immigration. To be fair, it’s the equivalent of thinking that when McCain said that we might be in Iraq for 100 years that he actually meant the war will be going on like it has been for 100 years (although McCain is a bit naive to think that Iraq is anything like Japan or any of the other countries where we have a presense and there aren’t any insurgents).

Even if you want to look at this just on issues. Do you believe in trickle down economics? Vote for McCain. Do you think that holding a grudge is a good way to solve your problems with someone? Vote for McCain. Do you think health insurance is just fine how it is? Vote for McCain. Do you think veterans shouldn’t have more than a minute amount of their college education paid for when they finish fighting a war? Vote for McCain.

I won’t get into details about all these things but do yourself a favor, check their sites and voting records and see which one makes sense to you. This is going to make a huge difference in our lives.

Voting Record:

Voting Record:

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